UG Track Pro for the follow-up of planned appointments

The need

Appointment planning is often just the start of a complicated logistical process. This is especially true when it comes to surgical procedures, but equally so for medical imaging, endoscopy, cathlab, functional testing, etc. After all, the scheduled patient needs follow-up in all these cases.

Since procedures and exams are regularly rescheduled to other timeslots or other rooms than initially planned, this means in the first place often rescheduling. During any given procedure it is wise to undertake certain registrations, such as time registration at the beginning or the end of each phase of the procedure in order to monitor and control the progress in each of the rooms and to adjust accordingly.

That follow-up is generally done in a department-specific solution, an inefficient approach. As a compliment to generic planning, generic follow-up is the answer.

The solution

Appointments planned in UltraGenda Pro are made available in UG Track Pro for rescheduling and follow-up. The rescheduling takes place via ‘‘drag and drop’’ and leads to a concrete work program for the department and the day concerned.

For each appointment (surgery, exam, test, etc). a number of registration fields can be made available according to templates that are entirely configurable by the customer and that reflect the work-flow in the department or clinic concerned. Time stamps registered during the procedure lead to a real-time progress view of all procedures and resources. This may, in turn, lead the department manager to operate further adjustments and rescheduling.


  • Flexible conversion of the planned list of activities into the work program.
  • Overview of planned procedures and progress on a departmental dashboard; assignment of planned and last-minute appointments to the optimal resource/room.
  • Automatic triggering from other applications (e.g. ‘start anesthesia’ time stamp).
  • Fully customizable templates per type of procedure and per procedure stage, with registration of data, codes, information and instructions.
  • Intelligent transfer of data from one registration stage to another.
  • Detailed reports per procedure; summary reports for the department or room (resource, equipment, physician, etc.).


Reduced costs

Planning, final work program, registration and tracking are one seamless process

Automatic triggering of HL7 messages towards other systems and devices; no double data entry

More efficient, happier staff

Clear overview of planning for the day and progress of each procedure

Customized data entries and recordings for each individual procedure

Assured quality and accountability

Perfect traceability of every action - data integrity between the various applications

Potential to enforce registration of essential data